I wrote a
book review for David the Good's "Compost Everything," and got an anonymous Purple Moosage:
"Thank you so much for your review! We have a bunch of Review Grids, and for your review to show up on one, it needs the magic phrase that our forum software picks up on. Could you add the words, "I give this # out of 10 acorns" to your post with the # replaced with the numeral of your choice? It's a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst thing ever and 10 being absolutely amazing?
Here's the link to your review if you wish to edit it:
Not sure if this is a generic message sent to all of those who post a book review, or if there's something else I need to do.
When I posted the review the first line was "I give this book 9.5 out of 10 acorns" so it
should have triggered the bot, yes?
Does it usually take a few days for a book review to be approved and added to the grid? Just wondering, because I have a couple more reviews coming...