Hello friends,
My spouse and I are new mennonites, and while our church does not have any strict lifestyle guidelines, we decided to cancel our internet because of a few reasons:
1. We don't want to pay for it anymore
2. The internet is great in small doses, which means we don't need very much of it
3. Too much internet makes us feel spiritually sick, which also means we don't need very much of it
It took a few months to cancel, because the provider kept giving us free internet and we held onto it but kept it unplugged. The addictive nature of the internet would creep back in and we'd be hooked again. Then we'd unplug it again. It became less fun to have the free internet, so I called again and said "Listen, we really just don't want it anymore. Please cancel it. We don't like it." and they finally obliged.
A few days later, a woman with a tablet from the internet provider came to our house to try and "get us back" from a competing internet provider. We told her we didn't switch, just cancelled. "You use your phones exclusively?" "No, we just don't use the internet. Do you want to meet our
rabbits?" So we showed her our rabbits and sent her on her way.
We think that we will now be visited by the internet provider periodically, and we will continue to show them God's love and our rabbits until they get the picture.