Hey all,
earthworks newbie here hoping folks could take a look at my driveway plan to see if it makes sense! The idea is to have a simple gravel driveway that also collects any
water moving downhill from my food forest along with whatever collects from the driveway and directs it to my collection/irrigation
pond. I'm aware I'll loose gravel to erosion but the slopes are pretty minimal so hoping it wont be too bad. 12ft wide driveway at a 2% cross slope made of 3/4 minus crushed gravel with a simple rock wall on the downhill but higher side of the driveway and drainage ditch (eventually with riprap or whatever smaller rocks I dig up) on the uphill/lower side. I've added a sketch to help make that clearer lol. The driveway slopes down from the road at
enough of a angle that water will move down the side ditch but I'm not sure the actual slope. At the end of the drive it'll turn uphill slightly to a small parking area and I'll run a drainage culvert under the driveway to connect to drainage ditch to the irrigation pond (IP in sketch) The uphill side leads to what will be the food forest, downhill is mixed hardwood forest about 50ft to edge of property. Southern Vermont zone 5b for context. Any thoughts would be great, thanks folks!