I have some questions for those with
experience growing Collards, Turnip Greens (especially Seven Top), Mustard Greens, and Tree Collards. I live in North Alabama (Zone 7b)
Collard, Mustard, Turnip Greens:
1. I know they well during Fall, but how is their survival and production rate going into Summer and even early Spring in my zone?
2. How good are they about self-seeding?
Tree Collards/Kale:
1. What's y'all's experience growing them?
2. How do they taste, and how do they compare to the other above three?
3. Do they do well in Summer?
4. Anybody have any experience growing them in North Alabama or other Zone 7b areas? 7b is listed as 'marginal' for every variety I could find, except for those bred specifically for cold, so I wanted to see if anybody had any hard knowledge of their ability to grow here sustainably.