Granny Dp wrote:I am looking for a good plum tree that will do well in North Alabama. (zone 7b) I have read that we are a little too far north for santa rosa.
Granny DP
You may want to consider growing at least a few wild plums. My own
local wild plums (prunus subcordata) taste delicious, just like regular plums, only they're a bit smaller. They are drought tolerant, can thrive in poor soil, and are immune to all diseases. Mature
trees even have thorns on the larger branches, to protect the tree from
deer. They frequently grow around people's homes and highways, places with lots of light. Some even grow in dry locations underneath pine trees.
Irrigation ditches, roadsides, railroad tracks, anywhere with blackberry patches, are where you'll often see them growing. Some feature purple leaves, others have green leaves. They flower at the same time as domestic plums, which is an easy way to recognize them from a road, purple foliage is also a giveaway. You can reliably germinate them by removing the shell with vice grip pliers, then placing the inner seed into moist soil in the refrigerator for 3 months. It's best to grow indoors or in a
greenhouse until the cotyledons have fallen off, otherwise birds,
mice, etc. will eat them. There are many wild plums (prunus Americana) in your local area and you
should be able to find them and grow them if you choose to do so. They will be far better adapted to your local climate, soil, etc. than anything you can buy from a nursery.