Summer Brown wrote:We have recently rescued an 8 month old (castrated) male Potbellied Pig. He is healthy and seems happy, but I know pigs are very social creatures, so I would like to get him a companion. Should we get another male or would he do better with a female? Is it better to introduce him to a piglet or one of the same age? Older? How much more space would they need? How would I go about introducing the two safely? Will it be more difficult to introduce another pig the older he gets? I'm not in a rush because I want to do this properly. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I have more
experience introducing adult cats, but I feel the sentiment is the same.
Every situation is different and you have to be aware of the body language the pigs are displaying and act accordingly. Keep them separated, but in close
enough proximity to see, smell or hear each other. If, or when, that goes well, close the gap, maybe with just a
fence between them. Keep the distance at mealtimes to see if there is any jealousy that may be a problem. When they seem comfortable being close together, then you can allow them to mingle.
Talking to them, explaining the situation to the resident pig, and the way you operate to the new pig, can be very helpful. Animals are excellent at picking up our feelings, so talk from your heart.