Hi Thom.
I planted a variety of dent maize (some from the neighbor, some from
Quail Seeds in late April in 4 rows, 4 little mounds each row with 4 seeds each.
When the corn was about 20 cm high I planted 4 beans in each mound (some green beans (the bean is small and white) and some giant purple ones).
In each row between the maize mounds I left some space to put squash. I planted at least 6 different types (butternut, hokkaido, luffa, melon, some
volunteer from the
compost last year probably a
local variety). The local one is the most prolific so far, though I've also spotted a hokkaido already.
The sun flower was a volunteer.
I found a photo from June. not even 4 weeks between this photo and the one in the first post!!!