Yeah jeremy bunang i understood that dogs cleaning their bottoms, dragging them on the ground meant they had worms, thats why i asked the vet about it any way their were no signs of worms, and he said what i reported above. My dog always did butt sliding, i am not sure he is doing it any more now he is old.
Please tell me your wife likes to squeeze anal glands in the metaphorical sense sort of push you mentally not in the real physical sense, though really i can take it either way. Is it really off topic to talk of why pop smells the way it does? Smells are so much a part of farming or used to be- Now, here, the goat herd said the weekenders complained about his goat pop. We are getting so refined there wont be any pop even in the country anymore. OWuldn't our glands be the cause of pop being so very pungent at first.
I read that animals don't eat the popped grass for sometime after the pop has dropped that would put a time limit to animals pasturing the same feild. I suppose if they'er really hungry they have to grin and bare contaminated grass.
Dirty Jobs, included, i believe a
cattle poped place, which seemed strange to me, on the farm though human pop and dog pop had us a bit neurotic, cattle pop and horse pop was totaly accepted. Could not have gone near dog pop and did not at all mind cleaning out the stables, or the precense of men in overalls covered in cow pop be it in the kitchen or anywhere else. farming is just a popy buisness.
I had a freind with a goat, the girl he tried dateing found he had come to pick her up in the car, his only car, he carried the goat in. She would not get in the car, modern attitudes to pop do make things hard for guys in the country. Here the guys stay in the villages and the girls get out, go to the towns and so there are no wives for them. This maybe because the
land gives employment to the lads and not the lasses though. Peter Andrews the australian permaculturist whose life went a bit difficult lost his wife and farm had a wife wife looked towny and he lost her in theory because of the
permaculture though you can lose youor wife with or without permaculture and your money too. You have to know an awful lot to know whats to blame for a divorce an d for going broke maybe the wife wqqanted to manyu luxouries and did not mind accusing him but he was not so hot on accusing her and maybe he was usless who knows. Maybe she wanted an expensive education for the children and he wanted to spend on the farm, which is right who knows.
My comments were about pop and hygene matters and so on theme but maybe they were unessecary. agri rose macaskie.