So, I've had
enough of the big guy. I run a mobile pasture with 4 hens and a good-sized, little over a year old rooster. He's good looking, but just eats and makes noise, and I don't need chicks.
I got these
chickens not even 2 months ago, and he's one of the youngest, so they don't know me or trust me. They zoom away from me, even when I'm bringing in new lay pellets or
compost. I can get them within 3 feet of me with scratch, but they're very wary and ready to run, even if I just move a little.
The dude is up and going by 5:45, which seems to me a little to early to be trying to get up before him to grab him on the roost and start the process - which I do want to do as calmly and humanely as possible.
Anyone have any thoughts on how best to get ahold of this rooster without getting my face scratched off and without, well, running around like a
chicken with its head chopped off?
maybe put him in a box the night before, so after breakfast, I just have to reach in that to get his legs?
gettin' hungry,