Hi! New.
I've started seed saving this year, largely as a means of saving money. I'm still learning the process for each plant. This year I saved peas, green beans, and bunches of flowers. Next year I'll save tomatoes, cucumber, and let some carrots overwinter (supposing they actually grow next year. Weather didn't cooperate this year)
What do I need to do to save as much viable seed as possible? And winnow out the bad seed... so I'm not re-seeding in the
greenhouse endlessly.
I've read about the water-test. But it doesn't appear to have worked on everything. Example- the cleome seeds do not sink. Not a one. I've stratified a good handful and have them in a baggy with a papertowel to see if they'll germinate. I'll find out...
But, if I can learn from my betters and save a lot of heartache(time and effort), all the better!! Are there other ways to ensure that most of the seed I'm bothering to save is viable?
Thank you!