thread is to show you the Tinman
biochar retort plans, hoping that you will get to know it better and take it into account whenever you decide your next retort design.
You can find full plans, with no paywall, in this link:
Tinman Retort Plans
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This device answers an initial question: What is the best device to make biochar at home?
I know that for a process to happen efficiently, the device also has to be well designed. And each design is better adapted in its use. If you are going to make biochar at home, start here.
Since 2019 I have been very interested in biochar, as it represents an intersection between two of my passions: Efficient combustion and regeneration.
This device is based on this source which is the first one I came across:
-2013 Model shown in the
Living web farms. By Bob
Other sources, ordered by publication dates:
-28 July 2009. Peter Hirst of New England Biochar previously demonstrating the same device.
-15 November 2017
backyard biochar kiln
-09 December 2017
perfecting the biochar kiln
If you know of any other publication that has content relevant to or prior to the Peter Hirst video from 2009, I would like you to bring it to me so I can incorporate it to this post.