This stuff needs serious advocating, it's the ideal
permie product, it's
local, it shows us what fools we are to use pesticides that kill off these wonderful creatures, it's easy to make at home, it works an absolute dream, so people will be reminded of the person selling it and thinking "maybe he's not that crazy, let's see what more he/she got to say". I apply it weekly,
A local beekeeper gave me propolis, dissolved in alcohol it makes for the best antiseptic sealant you can wish for.
Bees produce it from
medicinal plants to seal the hive with and keep microbes from entering. You put a
drip on the spot and blow gently until the alcohol vaporized, leaving a thin layer of propolis, repeat until closed. It's flexible on a warm spot on the body but not sticky. Nasty cuts from jigsaw blades i treated with it, no infections, closed the deeper layered skin in three days while i kept working. It's nuts nurses don't use it more often. Maybe because people don't like the brown stainage which disappears within a few days.
Local is so important because every location on earth has it's own local microbial spectrum with different local evil microbes that prevail. Local
bees especially wild ones have evolved around it is my theory. But this man explains it in much more detail.