I didn’t really know where this
should fit I don’t think there’s a heating forum. Anyhow I want to create a hybrid
water heating system I have a pile of old
solar hot water panels, I would also like to do a
wood stove hot water loop. I like the idea of thermo-siphons for their simplicity and lack of fail points especially in an outage situation. The problem obviously is that the tank needs to be up high. Practically speaking I can only put a tank so big on the second story of my house. The ideal place for a large storage tank is my basement. I had the idea of a hybrid system. What if I had a smallish tank maybe 25 gallons upstairs with a thermosiphon when this reached a specified temp say 130 degrees it could dump the the basement tank being refilled with cooler fluid from that tank. The upstairs tank can be vented to atmosphere in the event of an extended power outage or pump failure that tank can overheat all it wants. There’s many more details I could discuss but that’s the gist of the basics. Anyone ever see anything like this?