Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
allen lumley wrote:It must be said that the Rocket-y noise that we have come to expect and love is only an Auditory signature of the Turbulent flow of Gases/Plasma within the R.M.H., it appears to
be missing in your build.
allen lumley wrote:A single length of stove pipe placed over a conventional 'camp fire' will produce the 2' of flame you show in your videos !
allen lumley wrote:I have a few questions on how easily this unit will initially draft,
allen lumley wrote:and am not satisfied from what I have seen that it will burn as clean as a more conventional unit, "Clean Glass "
only means that your temperatures are high enough to keep them clean at that point, not that you have achieved a clean burn !
allen lumley wrote:While you used insulating mat-like materials quite effectively, showing the J-Tube and combustion Unit directly above Regular cinder blocks, with the history of these blocks and
concrete in general showing repeated failures at temperatures in the 400 degree F range This flaw, common in U-Tube builds should not be repeated here !
John Elliott wrote:A scientific glass shop can set you up with a piece of quartz tubing that will (1) be much less prone than glass to cracking from temperature shocks and (2) is made to fit to the runs of metal flue.
Quartz is more expensive than regular glass, but would be worth it in this application. (IMHO)
Sandy Mathieu wrote:I will just comment that it seems to me, all those flames are a sign that your burn tunnel is probably in-efficient. Since there is no data, burn tunnel temps, co levels etc. it is hard to evaluate this. But one of the whole points of rocket heaters is efficiency. I am primarily familiar with our dragon burners, so I can not speak to all rocket heater tunnels, but there is no flame in a dragon burner by the time it hits the heat riser. The testo gas analyzer shows them to be over 90% efficient and wood flames in the feed channel are purple hot. You need hot to be efficient.
Everyone loves to see the fire, but i think it will take a different approach.
Sandy Mathieu wrote:
the main problem is you have a goal to maximize the flames, not the efficiency, not wrong, just not really a rocket heater candidate, to me.
no wonder he is so sad, he hasn't seen this tiny ad:
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