OK. Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and on my way to a
RMH for our house I reached a point where I need to have some questions answered, and I hope to find these answers here.
I bought Ernies and Ericas amazing book as a pdf and red it at least twice. So much knowlege gathered there. Unbelieveble! I also rented their vimeo movie to add moving imagery to the tons of text in the book.
So I spent the last weeks testing my J-tube in my cortyard night by night and went researching for all meterials and parts needed around our villages here in Portugal and all looks good.
So If you would be so patient to read through my long quenstiair catalogue I would be more than thankful. I will be numbering the questions to mae answerin easyer. And feel free to also
answer only one question, as all input helps at this point of my travel. So here we go:
First here is the CSA of my system: Our chimney pipe is 12 cm inner radius, wich resembles about 43/4‘‘, so I calculated everything fitting to this. I am also aware of the proportions 1:1.5:3 which in my case is 1:1.4:3.3 due to my refractory brick sizes. In measurements this is: 34,5cm x 48,3cm x 126,5cm. In inches this would be: 14‘‘ x 19‘‘ x 50‘‘.
1: My
RMH burn unit is assembeled stacked / without mortar in the cord
yard and insulated with
rock wool and produces high amounts of soot in the heat riser during my last 10 days test firings. I am wondering why. Could it be that the small amount of air entering through the very tiny joints / through the wool cools the burn down so that the combistion is not complete? The outside temperatures are around 17°C. Or is it maybe a fuel problem? Im am burning 100% stone pine, with the botanical name Pinus pinea, also called the Italian stone pine, umbrella pine and parasol pine. Is this fuel unsutable? All I know that this
wood has lots of rasin. I was doing my test burns with dead wood of our stone pine
trees, that where in the Portuguese sun without rain for the last 6 month and are probably dead for years so I dont think its wet.
2: For rocketyness, if we take as measurement how big of a part of the wood is actually burning, measured from the bottom of the
feed tube upwards as all fuel is standing vertically, what resembles an optimal draft / burn / rocketyness? With me often more than the hight of the burn tunnel burns and I have the feeling that this is too much wood burning at once. SO my thought is, if there would be a stronger draft, the burn would be more restricted to the tips of the fuel, is that right? How rockety
should the rocket be?
3: Is my other thought right, that when testing only the J-tube in an outside environment, that it should more likely overdraft, as it does not have all the friction that will be produced by the final setup with all the elbows through mass and out the chimey?The heatriser is the motor of the whole system right? So the mtor should be working really hard without and friction / resistance..
4: After being shure through outdoor testing that the overall sizes, measurements and dimensions of the RMH are right. Does my thought make sense, that on building the system indoors, the only direct and quick access to finetune the system is to adjust the gap between heat riser and barrel to control the rocketyness of the heater at full opening (overdraft vs. too little draft)?
5: What happens exactly if I see a splendid burn in the burn chamber, yet out the heat riser comes thick black smoke, linke an oil pipeline is burning? I can say, that one specific piece of fuel causes this smoke. Whats going on there? Later, operating the heater in our house I can not check the chimey after every piece of fuel I put in the heater, could one of these unknowingly "bad" pieces (and this one is quite a chunk) cause danger for us in the house or harm the heater?
6: With barrel I observed HEAVY condensation on the inside of the barel on my outside testings (here HEAVY means litte puddles and dripping
water). Ok it was 17°C which intensifies the effect of condensation, yet I am wondering how harmful this water would be in extreme cases for the
cob that is used for great parts of the
heaters construction. Any thoughts on that?
7: I read Erniess and Ericas book, that a RMH basically is a device, that produces a controled chimney fire in the heat riser for total combustion of the fuel. Also in diagrams you see very often, that the heat riser is marked as the part of the RMH, where the gases are reburned. Here my question: Should there actually be flames all the way to the top in the heat riser? On my outside tests I had only two cases out of 17 test fires so far, where I could see some strange purble-red "soft"-looking flames come out of the heat riser (no barrel was used) and I thought: Heureka! I made it!. Yet, its 2 in 17 and all the other times the flames come some max. 10 inches around the corner of burn chamber / heat riser and they are of "normal" fire color, meaning that the flames burn much like in this great open side burn tunnel
video of Ernie and Erica at min 0:37 ( [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30rPCRB5e-s)[/youtube] Do I burn wrong, or is the controlled chimney fire / secondary burn overrated? How does the secondary burn look like or is it invisible?
8: I need to make a quite compact / slim design for various reasons in my mild portuguese climate. Therefore I thought to use a tall gas bottle like the tall one on the left of this image (
https://ipemsp.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/botijoes.jpg?w=187&h=261) with longer dimensions and rather thick metal surface compared to a 50 gallon drum with big surface and comparibly thinner metal. The surface area of the gas bottle is about 56% of a 50 gallon drum. What effects could that have on the functionality of my design? Any hints?
9: What do you do, if the heat at the end of a burn is mot strong
enough to turn the last big chunk of wood into red coal and it starts the smoke into the system, rather than burning clean into it?
10: Why is my RMH test burn unit creating black coals almost at every burn? They always show up under the white ashes on clean up?
So you see there are a loooot of questions and most likely more will follow. Also I will open a new thead soon with detail drawings of my RMH plans from feed to chimney exit with all leghts and dimenstions. Stay tuned.
All the best and thank you for your patience.