I'm building a passive dog house for our frigid winters. The dimensions are 4'x8', 8' wall on the south, and 6' wall on the north. I have three ideas for the south-facing wall. I'm trying to decide which will work best.
1) Build a regular stick frame doghouse. The south wall would just be a
solar heater, the type lots of people build with two layers of black metal screen, a cold air intake vent on the bottom and a vent on the top for heated air to blow into the doghouse. Pros are, it's quicker and easier to build, the materials are cheaper, and it's a tried and true method of heating a building. Cons are, there is nothing to hold the heat, so it will cool fairly quickly after the sun goes down, and that is very early here, usually by 4PM. That isn't a huge problem because I bring the dogs in at night anyway, but it would
be nice if they didn't have to come in at 5 every night. The other con is that is may become too warm on sunny days. My hoop house
greenhouse can hit 100 F when it's 20 F outside on a sunny day. Not what I want for a doghouse.
2) Build the same regular frame doghouse but instead of a regular framed wall at the south end, build the
solar heater, but rather than a black painted box with screen as a heat absorber, build a brick wall with the bricks painted black. Some bricks could be left out top and bottom so it would still draw in cold air from the bottom and vent the hot air into the dog house at the top. The idea is, it would still act just like a passive solar heater, but the bricks would absorb a large amount of heat to be radiated out when the sun goes down. That would be the pro of
course, along with the fact that the bricks
should absorb a lot of the heat and keep the doghouse from getting too warm. Drawbacks are, the bricks may cool so much at night that the sun can't heat them up and the doghouse would stay cold, maybe colder than if they had nothing but an insulated house and their body heat. I don't want to create a freezer. (Maybe this is a trombe wall?)
3) Same as above, but without leaving any bricks out, thereby removing the solar heater aspect of it and just using the sun to heat the brick wall, and the brick wall to heat the interior.
Anyone have any knowledge that can help me decide the way to go? Ideally, I would build all three and just test, but I don't have the time or money to do that, so I'm hoping to get input from anyone with any ideas of which of these is best, or something different altogether would be better.