Uncle Mud is going to get everyone muddy (indoors) at the Western Reserve Homestead Summit at Lake Farm Park in Kirtland Ohio, January 18-19, 2025
Build and Heat Your Homestead with Free
Local Materials! The Uncle Mud Travelling Show includes interactive displays and ongoing "Hands In" demonstrations on building with sandy clay and
straw and junk you probably have hanging around. Join us at the indoor "Mud Pit" where kids of all ages can build their own (free) fairy house to take home out of clay soil, straw, sticks, leaves and found objects, then stick around and see how the same free materials are used to build a No
Mortgage Cottage or an Earthen Pizza
Oven. We'll also demonstrate cheap, clean heat for your home or
greenhouse, kiln or hot tub, with a
wood fired
Rocket Mass Heater made from--you guessed it--sandy clay and scrap metal. For the super prepper or crazy gardener "The $20 Composting Toilet" will help you safely turn your own waste into the perfect fertilizer.
Details and tickets at the link below. Tell them Uncle Mud sent you.
https://www.westernreservehomesteadsummit.com/ for info and tickets