J. Wilkins : Ianto Evans' has a famous story about finding clay in his book '
Rocket Mass Heaters ', My version is promising a friend we could find clay in the banks of a local river,
The bank was a little slippery and now my friend and I have slightly different versions of who pulled who in. But for a second there both of our feet were moving like we were
competing in a log rolling contest, we found all the clay he needed and didn't get the inside of the canoe wet ! (WELL mostly !)
I would also check with your Highway Department, they will know of any road cuts where the side of the cut slumps after a good Frog Strangling Rain, because they have to dig-out
the roadside ditch or repair a washout ! Hope this was timely and it helps
For the good of the Craft, as always, comments and questions are solicited, and are Welcome, Think like fire, flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! Pyro - logically Big AL !