Katherine Lorena wrote:Greetings All,
Found your information on this topic. Here is my situation, I have 52 acres on the Comite River in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. Am interested in leasing the land for excavation of the Sand. Have EPA and all documents needed to operate as a dirt pit. What I don't know is how much I could lease the property for and how much I should ask for each Cubin Ft. of material sold. Additionally I have been approached by an individual who wants to set up a concrete crusher plant, should I be asking for "royalties" for the use of the access road on my property to the main highway if used for his trucks hauling the concrete? Comments and opinions would be helpful. Thank you,
Travis Johnson wrote:I have a gravel pit myself that is similar to what you describe, and while it is only 7 acres in size, yes I have made a little money off it over the years.
The calculations are really easy. You have to know how many acres your gravel pit covers, how deep the gravel bed is (called head), then subtract how deep the overburden is (topsoil) and get your number. Mine is 7 acres in size, and with an acre being 42,000 square feet, and the gravel bed being 32 feet deep, I have 9,362,000 cubic feet of gravel. Now a cubic yard is 27 cubic feet, so if we divide 9,362,000 by 27, we get 346,740 cubic yards. We still must subtract the overburden, and on mine it is a a foot deep, so I must subtract 301,000 cubic feet, or 11,148 cubic yards. So that means I have 335,592 cubic yards of gravel in the ground. However we need one more calculation. When you dig gravel out of the ground where it is tightly compressed, you get what engineers call "bucket swell" or swell factor. You said your gravel is good gravel, or clean gravel so it should be around 15%. For me, that would give me an additional 50,338 cubic yards of gravel for a grand total of 386,000 cubic yards of the stuff.
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and all his equipment down there and allows the contractors to load themselves up. He does keep it very orderly and maintains the woodland road to it. Before I mentioned paying by the month he would give me between $600-$3000 around every six months. Since I spoke with him in June I have received checks for $8000. That makes me feel like he’s really profiting much more than that. This makes me sound greedy but I’m trying to be fair. My kids want me to throw him out which is beyond my capabilities, and sell it myself. I don’t live there any more so to me that would be pretty impossible but I have no business head. The pit is near the middle of the 100 acres it sits in so selling it makes it awkward with easements and rights of way. Any other thoughts?thomas rubino wrote:Hi Stacey;
That is a tough spot to be in.
After renting it out to him for years @ $100 plus extra. You would need to determine if he really is being fair with how much is being hauled, and how much your take will be.
Is he keeping equipment there and loading these other contractors himself? Would it be possible to observe just how many loads are leaving ? Maybe a trail cam ?
I would try to know that information before approaching your relative about this.
You may be able to just renegotiate your deal. It is 2020 and rents go up over time. Be prepared for resistance., after many years he will think of your pit as his. He may threaten to walk away leaving you with no income from it at all.
It's possible a non relative might offer you a better price but again if you can't observe how much is leaving you will not really know.
How far away is this pit? Anyone live nearby?
At least right now your getting $100 for sure on an otherwise to you a worthless area.
Maybe, outright selling the pit to whomever (highest bidder) might be an option to consider. Cash in hand and no worries...
He stores all his rocks, large, small etc sifted top soil
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