@ David Williams.... Don't think hubby would love me for exchanging "The Bear" aka Alegra our little one for a handful of beans as it were...lol.
@Thea Olsen... We are getting pretty close on that one actually... She's a very curious one and although she hasn't gotten the hang of holding the laying pelets in her hand so the girls can be hand fed she sure has gotten the hang of calling them (cook cook... was her first attempt at a word...."very proud") and petting them gently... So we are pretty sure it won't be long before she is picking them up and trapsing around the property with one under each arm like a proud farm gal...hahahaha.
Nothing scares her and the girls seem to love her as does the afor mentioned "Not to Billy" goat who has taken to gently butting her as a way of getting her attention...lol. Now if we can just train her to understand that our
local King Brown snakes don't make good pets we will be winning...hahahaha.