I love pumpkins but I haven't grown them yet. I can, however, give you the advice I was given.
Pumpkins can handle some cold weather and even a light frost. Still, you can try elevating the pumpkins off the wet, frosty ground to try to keep them from rotting. You can put down a board and a thick layer of
straw or mulch and put your pumpkin on that. You can even just put it on top of an upturned flower pot to get it off the ground.
But, if you're getting a hard frost, it's best to pick the pumpkins and bring them inside. You can try keeping them in a cool, dry place (out of the sunlight). The indoor warmth
should encourage them to ripen more.
If your friend has any frost cloths or blankets she can try wrapping the pumpkins in that to shield them from the frost. But let them bask in the sun during the day to finish ripening. And cut back on the watering.
Good luck!
Thank you in advance to everyone for their replies, help, and suggestions! Forgive me if I miss any replies, I'm still learning how to keep up with threads I participate in!