mike clark : For many people the on demand option is a great way to go, especially if you can place the kitchen with its hot water needs, and the bathroom
with its separate hot water needs back to back,sharing a common wall, and minimizing the hot and cold water runs. For many people the convenience of
near-instant hot water is a great boon that they soon find that they are unwilling to live without !
The largest caveat to this for most people is a requirement to have a water softener plumbed into the hot water system so that all of the water to be heated,
is 1st run through a water softener, failure to use soft/softened water will result in mineral/metal deposits within already small tubing of the on-demand water
Please understand that while I have had some practical
experience with field chemistry, I do not hold myself as any kind of an expert in this area, but -
It is one of those unexpected quirks of chemistry specifically pH and ions, that A strong acid will barely degrade copper and will destroy iron, but a strong Acid
solution 'Working' on dissolving the minerals and metal deposits will quickly lose pH and at a point close to the level of vinegar start to corrode copper -
I have some memory of seeing a You-Tube
video that showed how to take an on-demand hot water heater apart, to replace an (unspecified) damaged heat
exchanger ! It was not a job for an amateur and I would plan on taking scads of pictures in every part of the process, and I have a 20 + years experience
working with Domestic hot water !
O.K. Now that we have the easy one out of the way, lets tackle the outdoor wood
furnace/boiler. In order to earn an E.P.A. sticker warranting the efficiency,
and air quality, the Best of the outdoor, wood fired boilers need to show that they can produce a stream of hot water, while producing a a minimum exhaust gas
(smoke) Temperature of at least 500F, this is still a lot of heat going to heat all of the out doors, but lower temperatures will always work to create Creosote !!!
I said that the manufacturer must meet these minimum standards when the unit gets tested by the E.P.A., Once the unit gets installed at the home owners place
it is up to the home owner to continue to operate their wood fired boiler in exactly that manner, The large wood fired boiler can not work like an on-demand
water heater, so the home owner builds a fire in the boiler, runs it wide open for a little while then chokes the fire down to 'have some burning wood embers'
for later in the day, if the owner remembers when he comes home he can reload the wood boiler with more wood and heat up some more water, however
during the several hours of untended operation while the fire has been 'choked down' the boiler is no longer operating in the manner as specified by the
manufacturer or tested by the E.P.A. Operated in this manner the boiler makes more Creosote than hot water !
There are models out there that can not be run this way, they have automatic air dampers that will open to provide additional air to the boiler when the stored water
temperature falls, these models will then quickly burn through the wood in the boiler, then the boiler cools down because you have a constantly open damper that
lets the stored heat of the boiler itself and the heat of the boilers water pass up the exhaust gas chimney, the average wood fire boiler owner who finds that they
have no hot water will complain to the company that sold and installed the boiler, and will be advised to unhook the automatic damper before they go away for the
I can set right here in my chair and write a thick book about all the ways that the owners of a Wood fuel fired Boiler can sabotage themselves, one of the easiest is to
open a hot water faucet and get steam and spitting water, they run outside to the boiler, look at the water level gauge for the amount of water in the boiler, and
remember that they had not thought about checking it for several days, and open up the water
feed valve dumping very cold water into a hot boiler, this act will shock
the boiler cracking the cast steel walls and ruining the entire boiler !
If you think that you are interested in a wood fired boiler, plan on going out and inspecting several installations 1st, It is very common in January to see green grass
growing directly over the water supply lines going from the boiler to the house even while there is several inches of snow outlining the path from the boiler to the house !
Think like fire, flo like gas, don't be the Marshmallow, As always, comments and questions are solicited and Welcome ! PYRO - Logically Big AL