I just found this in my cities ordinance codes:
Except as otherwise provided in Chapter 1060 of the Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code, no person shall cast, place, sweep or deposit in any manner whatsoever, or allow to accumulate, in or upon any street, sidewalk, alley, park, public place, drain, sewer, gutter or receiving basin in the
City, or upon any private premises, any paper, pasteboard,
straw, excelsior, shavings, chips, sawdust,
wood, rope, twine, wool, cotton,
flax, hemp, jute, rubber, leather, ashes, cinders, soot, charcoal, coal, sand, clay, mud, gravel, lime, shells, mortar, leather, ashes, cinders, soot, charcoal, coal, slag, dust, earth, sand, clay, mud, gravel, lime, shells, mortar, plaster, tar, hay, grass, leaves, weeds, grain, salt, hair, feathers, moss, shucks, bark, brick, stone, wire, nails, tacks, iron, tin, brass, copper, glass or pottery; or.any kind of garbage, refuse or offal, whether animal or vegetable; or any slops, suds, swill, brine, rinsing, dishwater,
urine; or any dirty, foul, bloody or ill-smelling liquid; or any excrement, manure, carrion or dead fish, fowl or animal; or any fruit or vegetable or any portion thereof; or any kind of dirt, rubbish, waste article, household furniture, utensils or appliances or any of the parts thereof; or a motor vehicle which is currently unlicensed, lacks any of the tires or wheels for which the vehicle was designed or is incapable of being moved under its own power; or any part of a motor vehicle; or any thing or substance whatsoever, whether or not of the same nature as the articles, things or substances herein specifically mentioned.
This section shall not apply to organic matter that can be properly composted, nor to the deposit of material under a permit authorized by the ordinances of the City; nor to goods, wares or merchandise temporarily deposited upon any street, sidewalk, alley or other public place in the necessary
course of trade, and removed therefrom within two hours after being so deposited; nor to articles or things deposited in or conducted into the City sewerage system through lawful drains in accordance with the ordinances of the City relating thereto; nor to any parcel of
land where junk yards or storage yards are permitted by these Codified Ordinances.
I am astounded and disbelieving. I have just begun to sheet mulch a lot of my property and it seems that I'm going against the law!! Is this common? I believe that this particular code was written in 1994 and it may be unlikely that I'll get turned in for it. Anyone else had to deal with this? or looked up and found code like this?