Thanks for all your responses.
I was wondering about a combination of these ideas. Come spring, I will mix together a natural paint of sorts, containing biochar, fish oil, fish emulsion, possibly a little manure, and some crumbled up lichens and moss. The biochar will act as a black pigment and also absorb the other ingredients; the lichen will colonize the rock; the fish oil will keep everything stuck on till the lichen can grow; the fish emulsion will add nutrients to speed lichen growth; and the manure will add
water absorption and some more nutrients. Now, the only question is, which lichens can grow on alkaline rocks and concrete in hot sun in a dry climate, even with the added help of my "paint" and some watering?
I know there are some, since lichens grow in the Negev. I will just have to hunt around I suppose. If I mixed
pond water and fungi into the mix, would they naturally associate into lichens?