That people don't see th econsquence of their acts seems a big topic, i just thought it was a subject people weren't very clear on and that it helps to say what is meant by such a statement . It brings in a lot of trhe reasons for not using traditional methods pesticides and so on in a pretty convincign way i don't ask people to drop their habits before they are covinced that they can manage without them that why i think you
should talk of the pros and cons.
th epros kill pests feritliz crops an dkill weeds what appears to be the easy and efficintisty way. cons the other cleaner ways work well. its not reaqlly neccessary to use poiisons.
i think people are inclined to accuse one of not thinking of the conseqyence of ones actions because they are belittling each other, it is part of the hen pecking game . Who can see the consequences of their acts you try to be really carefull and the choices you have to make make you hurt one person or another.
I have met puritan people who ask others to hold their veiws instead of their own veiws and never stop painting what they don't like in as negative a light as possible and i know decadent people who just as bad, they are inresponsible sexually or whatever, money ways but don't don't renounce their right to come down on others for imorality. They are very discrete about their own life and want you to come clean about a life that was an open book.
If you toldl my brother a nasty secret, when i was small, he always wanted to hear it five times. As an adult i find people want you to confess what is well known and people who are as tight as tight can be about their own life want this . People see one consequence or any act and you another and maybe there are twenty different possible consequences.
I only try to make sure people understand how things stand, I only wanted to clear up on what was meant by saying that things had a higher cost than the one we pay for them . Lots of people pay cost others should be paying, an example is Christ, i suppose he was just paying the cost of stepping on establiment shoes.. It used to be the widom of some that the best sons of a country get it in the teeh and it is a bit of wisdow more often born out by events as you live than others.
It is silly the chemical companies have persuaded people they need things they don't need,maybe they persuaded themselves too .
Al discussion of morals is usually a way of dom¡ninating others. It is a prelude to a an "I'm the king of the castle your the dirty rascal bit of behavior. Once established that you are the king of the castles you can order around the dirty rascals. If somone is only trying to get a moral high ground to stop other peoples worst
games and worst
games are normally really destructive consciously so an attempt to do for others, not a sort of slip whose consequences the prperpetrator had not forseen but long and drawn out attacks counsciouse an dcompletely deadly. psychological murder with intent. a slip that is not an attempt to get others to think like you and run erands for you is not to bad. May be getting amoral advantage over others is not such a nasty bit of behavior. It is hard to distinguish between the really crippling and the people who are only trying to defend themselves.
There was ia novel of Muriel Sparls called "Bang Bang Your Dead" if i remember right, the protagonist remembers the child who had always shot her in games before she could shoot her, when they were children, i think that talking of morals is a way of looking for an opening for saying bang bang your dead to other members of the group. rose macaskie.