Jeremey Weeks : I could not get your video to load, but my Mac does not play well with others, I am sure that you have most of the handwork done now !
Do a google search for a (spring) pole lathe, or a treadle lathe, old timers sat down to use it, and generally used just one foot to 'treadle' it like early sewing
machines, I think that that is exactly what you are looking for ! Big AL !
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Jeremy : some where there is a crazed collector looking for your foot powered dentists drill, if it was made after the thirties it probably was made for the Armed services !
Another need to acknowledge their sacrifices ! Great find ! nice pictures Big AL !
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
I remember my Mennonite friend , Jonas, having a foot powered dentist drill. He would climb out the window to adjust a mirror on the roof as a spotlight to see in your mouth.