i cant find rock wool or ceramic insulation in my area Sacramento and its to expensive online can i get away with no insulation on the fire brick heat riser its the thicker brick 4 inch
permies topic insulation online
Tim;You need insulation,wrap around with sheet metal and fill with perlite & fireclay mix
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I'm right in the midst of filling my riser insulating duct (16") around the riser. I could nor find perlite except in little bags which a really pricey, so I got vermiculite instead.. I'm not planning on using any slip mixed with it. It will be completely enclosed in the duct bottom to top. I don't have time to get the slip water to cook out. It's 18 now on it's way to 6 tonight. Gotta have heat.
The only reason I see for mixing with clay slip is so that it isn't so likely to leak out of cracks or be blown out of the top. I will be covering the top with a sheet metal cover.
"Necessity is the mother of invention" That's why I'm a Jack of all trades, Master of some and have learned that Knowledge is power, but information isn't necessarily knowledge.
Hi; You mix clay slip with it for when your sheet metal burns off.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
Visit me at
dragontechrmh.com Once you go brick you will never go back!
Thomas, the sheet metal in his case, is on top and around. Won't fail that soon.
Tim, if you can't find rockwool, perlite or vermiculite would do the job, as well as wood ashes. But you need to insulate. If you have clay, clay and straw, or wood dust works too. You could also look for the white insulating firebricks.
Satamax Antone wrote:Thomas, the sheet metal in his case, is on top and around. Won't fail that soon.
Tim, if you can't find rockwool, perlite or vermiculite would do the job, as well as wood ashes. But you need to insulate. If you have clay, clay and straw, or wood dust works too. You could also look for the white insulating firebricks.
i used firebrick is that the same as white brick or do i need insulation ?
Satamax Antone
Posts: 3471
Location: Southern alps, on the French side of the french /italian border 5000ft elevation
tim lane wrote:thinking ill do a heat riser out of piping and perlite and slip to save money whats a good recipe for that ?
Tim, if you have firebrick inside, and a tube outside, you don't even need clay slip! Vermiculite or perlite, poured in there, packed a bit (doesn't matter, the insulating air gaps will still be there) And you're good to go. You might need something on top, to stop the vermiculite from flying. Perlite will stay under it's own weight i'd think.