heya... i think it depends on what kind of worms are already there... and how much.
when i started with this garden (small allotment, clay soil, not much organic matter in it) there were hardly any worms.
after this season of
gardening there are lots of more. i left the potatoes in teh ground for too long, so some rotted. while harvesting them, i collected lots of earthworms for inside worm-bin.
they re not working the same as compost worms are supposed to work.
but i ll try them in dug- in buckets and/or wormtowers.
i started just to dig in the kitchen scraps into the beds. even in winter. while it freezes, it just stays there. but when it gets warm
enough for the worms (even some days), they ll find their all-u-can-eat-buffet.
garden worms love this stuff ... but how far will they wander after eating? how far will they scatter their castings? how much matter will they take out of the bucket/tower?
different composting worms
Part 2 of that article