Using Our Assets to Court Political Leaders and Community Leaders
I often hear that we need to get influential people to join us. No matter what the cause, this is an important strategy. For some, this means protests, letter writing campaigns and other means of getting busy people to pay attention against their will. I've chosen a different route.
This is a small
enough city, that it's not hard to get a politician or their assistant on the phone. We have access. That does not mean that the person we want to influence will have any interest in our cause. They are inundated with competing requests and demands for their time. I'm not going to make any demands or requests. Instead, I'm offering something for free.
I have a cottage that is in a nice secluded spot, 6 1/2 miles off the main highway. It's 65 miles from Victoria and 8 1/2 miles from Nanaimo and the ferry to Vancouver. It's a nice place to get away. The cottage is on 7 1/2 acres and is surrounded by forestry
land. It's not a fancy resort by any stretch of the imagination, but it is going to be a rustic sort of resort. People like to stay at resorts.
I'm going to make the cottage available to a variety of influential people. They will be free to eat from the garden, use a rocket powered hot tub and check out other things on the property. My marketing scheme is simple. I'll call and say that the space is available for anyone who would like to
experience an environmentally responsible farm. I believe that first hand positive experience will have some influence in winning support for green building and natural farming. By not asking for anything, I hope to let my property speak for itself. On Monday morning when someone says "how was your weekend", there
should be talk of gardens and rocket stoves and nature, not about another person desperately seeking an audience. I will have a bookshelf and a few interpretive signs. I think that's enough.
I'm sure there are others amongst us who have a nice place that could serve as a living example of things you'd like to tell people. This seems like a good way to start the conversation. When people are treated to something like this, they remember it and they share it. I don't expect to host the Prime Minister or even the Mayor. But there are many councilors, assistants and others who don't normally get in on every perk. They may also be people of influence. I'll probably invite many more community volunteers than politicians. There are more of them and their pockets are generally thinner. A stay in a cottage may be the only significant perk that these folks get all year. Sometimes, I hope to host larger groups of volunteers who will camp out.
To me, this sort of advertising seems as non threatening as the free samples that are passed out at delis and cafes. Everyone likes a tasty sample. Some like it so much that they become regular customers.
That's all for now. I welcome any ideas you may have. Does anyone have other ideas on how we may court influential people through example and free offerings ?
Thank You, Dale