Peggy --
Welcome to permies!
I am also just gaa-gaa for
hugelkultur! I am out here in Ohio.
I've been reading and learning a lot. Maybe one of these resources would be helpful to you as well.
Books --
Gaia's Garden chapter 4 Bringing the Soil to Life has a blurb on 'Woody Ways to Build Soil'
Sepp Holzer's
Permaculture Chapter 1 has very nice color photos and descriptions for building raised beds (which contain woody material).
Podcasts --
I am not sure how many of the podcasts you may have listened to. There are a few podcasts Paul has that I found interesting regarding hugels too.
Podcast #44 is a review of
Gaia's Garden chapter 4.
Podcast #172 dealt with size of hugel and very helpful regarding plant / seed location in the bed.
Podcast #228 Paul and
Geoff Lawton chat about swale and hugel combinations and cold and warm climate.
Podcast #81 (or maybe it was 82) is the review of
Sepp Holzer's
permaculture book chapter 1. There are 4 or 5 podcasts for this book and chapter 1. I think 81 or 82 is where they talk about the "woody raised beds."
Good luck.