Steve Allotment : I hope I am misreading what you are trying to do with cement and vermiculite, You can not use a portland type cement as the lime in portland
type cement will not survive contact will the high temperature found in a
Rocket Mass heater, also if you use a non portland type cement (Pricey) or just common
clay to make a mix, by the time you get
enough of ether to mix with vermiculite to make a rigid structure with enough strength there is very little insulation left
to the vermiculite. Most of your fellow members use a clay slip and perlite mixture !
I am not a great fan of U-Tube and the 'Flaming units of Death' found there, but if you go to you-tube and then type in
Sawdust heater you will find several
examples of working sawdust
heaters most of which can be said to have an internal chimney of
Packed Sawdust much like a heat riser. For the Good of the
Craft! BIG AL