Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
allen lumley wrote:Al 2 AL: Hi !, Be advised that I have an ulterior motive for 'bringing You up to speed', You too can spend hours on a computer talking to your fellow members ! I really like the
way you find a new angle to look at 'the Box' !
I agree that usually you do not want to increase Turbulence,Energy lost to Increased Sound (why do you think we call it a 'Rocket' ? ) and Energy lost to increased Heat (GOOD! )
We want that increased turbulence for the mixing of gases that make the 2ndary burn possible, ( Now who is thinking inside the box ?) The 2ndary burn will continue through at
least 1/2 of the Heat Riser / internal chimney !
In Commercial scotch marine multi tube boilers, you often find Long 'fins' looking like they were cut off of the end of a piece of corrugated roofing wwwwwwww slid into the length
of the boiler tube to break up the Hot Exhaust Gas flow, otherwise the hottest gases 'concentrate' in the center !
I was taught 2.5' for friction loss generally for an Elbow, but recently everyone seems to agree on 5', but i don't see that as any kind of a problem if you are not going to run your
exhaust long distances through a Thermal Mass Bench, This is a good place to talk about dampers, a common adaptation for cold weather Climates is running the horizontal pipes
thru the thermal mass that has been shaped to be Built-in-furniture. Then back close to the R.M.H., before being vented through an interior vertical chimney to pick up a little add-
itional heat ! There are several adaptations allowing the R.M.H. to exhaust directly to the vertical Chimney to warm it! This adaptation has proven to be useful when the R.M.H.,
and the entire house is cold and damp,actually colder than outside, under those conditions getting a 'good draw' needs both art and science ! Having said that, I stand firmly with
Tradition when I say dampers should never close off the flow of gases - That is the function of that J-Bend, which works like a the water/gas seal in the pipe bends under your
sink !
So yes, - you probably can Bleed hot exhaust gases off of the top of your 55 gal drum ! Why did you insulate the top of your Drum? it is part of the radiating surfaces needed to
cool gases ! ?
Al, take a deep breath and smile! There are lots of people working on Pyrolyzing wood and using the resulting Wood-gases to generate both heat and electricity on both sides of
'the pond' ! My personal Favorite is gasifying charcoal to run small generators . But, you would end up living in a Caretaker Hut 24-7-365 managing a large commercial Bio-gas
hybride, or at BEST be a Beta tester for a small experimental unit, 24-7-365 !
Have you googled Dragonheaters.com? Have you done a google search here in Permies for the Shippable core business Rocket Forum Thread stared by Paul W. About a
week ago ?
Think like Fire, Flow like Gas, Don't be the marshmallow ! As Always your Comments, and Questions are solicited and Welcome, and will be mostly answered ! Big AL
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
allen lumley wrote:
allen lumley wrote:Al 2 AL: Hi !, Be advised that I have an ulterior motive for 'bringing You up to speed', You too can spend hours on a computer talking to your fellow members ! I really like the
way you find a new angle to look at 'the Box' !
I agree that usually you do not want to increase Turbulence,Energy lost to Increased Sound (why do you think we call it a 'Rocket' ? ) and Energy lost to increased Heat (GOOD! )
We want that increased turbulence for the mixing of gases that make the 2ndary burn possible, ( Now who is thinking inside the box ?) The 2ndary burn will continue through at
least 1/2 of the Heat Riser / internal chimney !
In Commercial scotch marine multi tube boilers, you often find Long 'fins' looking like they were cut off of the end of a piece of corrugated roofing wwwwwwww slid into the length
of the boiler tube to break up the Hot Exhaust Gas flow, otherwise the hottest gases 'concentrate' in the center !
I was taught 2.5' for friction loss generally for an Elbow, but recently everyone seems to agree on 5', but i don't see that as any kind of a problem if you are not going to run your
exhaust long distances through a Thermal Mass Bench, This is a good place to talk about dampers, a common adaptation for cold weather Climates is running the horizontal pipes
thru the thermal mass that has been shaped to be Built-in-furniture. Then back close to the R.M.H., before being vented through an interior vertical chimney to pick up a little add-
itional heat ! There are several damper adaptations allowing the R.M.H. to exhaust directly to the vertical Chimney to warm it! This adaptation has proven to be useful when the
R.M.H.,and the entire house is cold and damp,actually colder than outside, under those conditions getting a 'good draw' needs both art and science ! Having said that, I stand firmly
with Tradition when I say dampers should never close off the flow of gases - That is the function of that J-Bend, which works like a the water/gas seal in the pipe bends under your
sink !
So yes, - you probably can Bleed hot exhaust gases off of the top of your 55 gal drum ! Why did you insulate the top of your Drum? it is part of the radiating surfaces needed to
cool gases ! ?
Al, take a deep breath and smile! There are lots of people working on Pyrolyzing wood and using the resulting Wood-gases to generate both heat and electricity on both sides of
'the pond' ! My personal Favorite is gasifying charcoal to run small generators . But, you would end up living in a Caretaker Hut 24-7-365 managing a large commercial Bio-gas
hybride, or at BEST be a Beta tester for a small experimental unit, 24-7-365 !
Have you googled Dragonheaters.com? Have you done a google search here in Permies for the Shippable core business Rocket Forum Thread started by Paul W. About
a week ago ?
Think like Fire, Flow like Gas, Don't be the marshmallow ! As Always your Comments, and Questions are solicited and Welcome, and will be mostly answered ! Big AL
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Feel free to point out my mistakes, I will view it as a learning opportunity. It's a pity it doesn't work where spelling is concerned
dream a lot and do half
Holly was looking awful sad. I gave her this tiny ad to cheer her up!
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