Jacob Green : More than 1 billion people on this planets use Three-rock fires as their single source of cooking. i.e. Balancing a cook pot on three
or more rocks over a fire made by shoving small sticks or charcoal underneath the pot ! Weather permitting thesis done outside, then the weather is
bad, the whole operation is moved indoors near an open door/window ! Dangerous, inefficient, a major source of 3rd world pollution/disease !
Think about your last 'camp fire', now think about tending it with sticks and twigs on the floor of a room the sizeof a small van, with one window open
for ventilation !
50 Years ago the
Rocket Stove was created as a more efficient Cook Stove, with he increase in population we have actually moved backwards !
So- the term
Rocket Stove should mean cook stove only we have gotten lazy and call Stoves, Pocket Rockets and
Rocket Mass Heaters RMHs Rocket
Stoves. You will never go wrong specifically calling the Rocket
Stove a Cook Stove !
Unfortunately at the operating temperatures seen in any of the Members of the Rocket Family, the use of portland type cement will result in the eventual
fail of that unit, however a simple mix of good clay and
water to make a pancake like batter will create 'Clay Slip' which can be mixed with Perlite to
make an insulating material to cast around your Burn Tunnel, remember all Clay or Sand Clay combinations should automatically be Rot free, fireproof
not a food source or home to insects/vermin, and Dirt Cheap !
Perlite will always perform better than vermiculite, especially when mixed with other materials, Vermiculite loses major part of its insulating ability when
enough additional materials mixed in with it to make it strong! Most of your insulation needs to be underneath the
feed tube and elbow to protect the area
directly below theRocket Stove, lighter means more portable, so don't skip this step !
Basically, any exposed glass particles should fuse to themselves, and not be a problem, you are probably in more danger when you sweep the floor in your
house and most people, don't put on dust masks to do that !
Erica Wisner has created a vertical feed industrial grade Cook stove that while it can reach forge temperatures actually decreases the amount of mechanical
wear within its combustion zone !
Please do continue to experiment with Rocket cook stoves, they and Pocket Rockets both definitely have a place (OUT DOORS) in any emergency situation,
and can also be handy for say fall tailgating ! I hope his helps a little and is timely, for the good of the crafts Big AL !