Karl Meisenbach : Help is coming, Hold on to the last! This is where the fun starts !
Clay slip, first you find some local clay, Then you google clay sedimentation test ,or just sediment test to see how good your clay is, and if you will have to clean it !
Some silt in your clay is not a failure ! With nearly pure clay you make up a slurry that will when freshly stirred, just barely hold the shape of a finger dipped into it
for a couple of seconds ! There is of course, dry bagged clay, and it will work also
but clay is truly universal, it can always be found if you look for it !
When you are fitting together your bricks outside for your first build out of doors you want to briefly dip your bricks in
water and then use your clay slip
mortar to lay up your brick. This will seal the small air gaps that create problems at this point !
With an 8'' system, you will need pieces of 8'' stove pipe as an inner wall, and a second metal skin for the Outside of the Heat Riser, regardless of the type of insulation
you use. For a 1st build, perlite and just enough clay slip mixed together will make an excellent Heat Riser! This is the very thick stuffing In a hollow jelly roll with an
inner and outer metal skin ! Here the inside piece(s) of the 8'' pipe is a sacrificial form, we know it will fail Within 2 - 4 heating seasons depending on how much your
R.M.H. is used, the clay slip and perlite formed Heat Riser Core should last at least a couple of years past the initial failure of your metal stove pipe inner wall ! Clay
Slip and Sawdust will do as good a job as an insulative formed Heat Riser up until the time that the metal skin of the inner Wall fails ! When I called the Fired clay and
Sawdust mixture a clay foam perhaps I should have compared it to sea foam ! It will serve very well for an insulative layer under the bricks forming the bottom of the
Burn Tunnel !
Perhaps you can find a dead
water heater,whose outside metal skin can be cut down to overlap itself and make the outer wall of your Heat Riser, allowing the !.5'' side
-wall to barrel gap ! This is a start and should help !
For the Future Good of the Craft ! Be safe, keep warm ! As always, your questions and comments are Solicited And Welcome ! PYRO - LOGICAL Big AL !
P.S. Karl, I re-read everything and see that you have done a practice burn out doors ! The next step is to burn out/off the paint on your barrel, Look at the 'pocket rocket'
pages in your R.M.H. book and get creative ! Do not skip this step, your lungs will Thank You !