posted 10 years ago
As a professional bike mechanic my opinion may be a little biased. Since I have always been into them I have tried incorporate them in a few different ways. A mountain bike towing a utility trailer is a great way to collect anything that needs moving, from organic matter, to tools, and the limits of its usefulness will depend on the strength and skill of the rider.( as well as the quality of trailer)
in the past I have built up a fixed gear utility bike that was geared low and suitable for legit towing, combined with 29 inch mountain tires it would grip and pull, as long as you did not want to go too fast .
Another time I used a three wheeled bike to collect organic matter from the dumpsters. It worked well for tying my dogs to and having them pull sometimes rather than pedal. The three wheeled option would be ideal for icy and snowy times.
My most recent effort has been with my standard commuting bike, it was experimental test runs with dragging my reel mower. Which worked to some degree, but is not an improvement over just pushing the mower. In trying this though, I could see that there is some major potential for small/medium sized fields being worked with a bike pulling small roller crimpers. This is something I may develop if I find myself with 5-10 acres someday.
On another note, I deal with people's reactions daily either "omg 1000 dollars for a bike! That's crazy" or just the general thinking that " I am too old for bike, bikes are toys for kids"
I just think of it as a tool. Just like a hammer, they make small toy hammers for kids, which may or may not really hammer a nail, and then they make a real hammer which is over twice the price and will hammer nails indefinitely. You wouldn't try the toy hammer on a real nail and decide hammers are not a good tool. If you are paying 100 or 200 for a new bike, expect a toy. If you are going to ride a big box store bike, get it tuned by a mechanic first! It may save the skin on your face. It's funny how 50-60 year olds will come in the bike shop and say they are so old way too old for biking anymore, and then a 75 year old who rides daily comes in saying they would probably be dead if they hadn't have taken up daily activity with the bike.