I just fired up my new rocket heater this evening. It started right up and came up to good temps very fast. No smoke,I mean no smoke at all backing up. Made some changes from my first try lasted year. Some based on the members and some based on what I have seen. It is a 4" burner that stands 5'6" tall. The main bell is made from 12 gauge sheet of 24"x48". It is made up of four cut and foled sheets. The size is 13.5x13x48". The second bell tower is made from 5" tube steel that is 1/4" thick 5x5x48. The base is 12x 1/8th steel plate. The bottom is 1.4" thick. It stands on five adjustable legs. The burn chamber and riser is made up of 2600 degree refactory brick. The rear exit chamber is 12x12x12. I lined it with fire brick, thinking it may keep more heat from going up the flue. The flue exit out the back of the base start with a 7" hole and then is reduced to 6" before the last 4" reduce to the 4" flue. The flue stands 15' high before it goes out the wall. Then it goes up another 3'. I added some cooling fins to the flue. just trying to grab more heat from going out the wall. The
feed tube is made from 1/4" stainless steel. I drilled 27 1/2" holes at the top of it. This helped in two main areas. It keeps the top of the feed tube cool to the touch. It also stops the back smoke from lowering the sealed feed point. I will post more numbers next week and maybe have it painted by then. Thanks