I suspect that the
permaculture principle that come into play have to do with creating systems that capture and store more energy than used in their creation, and provide for their own replacement, and that there is no waste.
There are nutrients in many
local waste streams. Potassium in
wood ash. Seaweed can be locally sourced. Ground shell replaces lime while including oceanic micronutrients. There are millions of pounds of nutrients embedded in the foods wastes that have already been imported into your
city. Manure can be locally sourced.
Urine is loaded with interesting salts.
The other question you might ask has to do with what you soil might really be lacking. Sometimes urban soils can be so loaded with phosphorus from excess fertilization that it can cause iron deficiencies! On the other hand, you could be inheriting land that has been stripped of Potassium over the last 20 years, and without an import, your food may be of lower quality. Without a soil test, you are applying nutrients in a shotgun manner. A good nutrient analysis can help you make more conscientious decisions.