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John Polk wrote:I don't know anything about Canadian Provincial laws, but I would imagine that just like the state laws in U.S., they would vary a lot from prov. to prov. Here in the states, they can even vary from county to county, both in content, and enforcement (here in the wet, rainy west of Washington, the enforcement is much less than in the semi-arid east).
I do know of cases where individuals were allowed to go 'beyond' what the state allowed by getting permits from conservation agencies on the grounds that the project would benefit the local wildlife. At least here in the states, if the area involved is classified as a 'wetlands', it is almost impossible to get a permit for anything without first proving that it will benefit the habitat of the wetland.
A huge limitation in most of our western states, with their strict water rights laws, is anything that would affect the waters that 'belong' to somebody downstream.
Hopefully, somebody with experience in CA can point you towards your goals.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Barry Fitzgerald wrote:Hi Cal,
The answers you are looking for will be found in your local and provincial laws. Here in Ontario, I would have to deal with Municipal Site Alteration Bylaws, The Ministry of Natural Resources and regional conservation authorities for the right to take more than 50,000 litres of water in a day(which could happen on a rainy day) plus source water protection for any run off or ground water. It also depend on who you are, a little guy with no political pull has a problem but a corporation with connections can do almost anything.
For the most part ,enforcement is complaint driven but if you bring attention to yourself you could be in for real big problems.
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Cj Verde wrote:There is another hitch I haven't heard anyone mention - insurance.
I did notice an addendum on my policy about man-made ponds not being covered. It made me wonder if they're seeing more earthworks.
I have videos and articles at http://www.starterpermaculture.com
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Cal Skins wrote:
This is why I need to find land which isn't visible from the road.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cj Verde wrote:
Cal Skins wrote:
This is why I need to find land which isn't visible from the road.
I'm not visible from the road, but I'm not sure what good that does anymore. On googeEarth I can see my cows and electric fencing:
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