in cases like this, it's often due to concern that the prunings could transmit diseases that they are burned instead of being used more productively, so you may want to ensure that any prunings do get moved away from the olive groves.
You could use prunings for stickwood in a
rocket stove or
You could make swales/terraces/infiltration structures by driving stakes into the ground on contour, then placing bundles of your prunings upslope from the stakes. You could turn this into a
hugel by scooping soil from upslope and depositing the soild on top of the sticks- you dont necessarily need logs for a hugel.
If I were in your situation, I would reserve the nicer, larger prunings and grade them for size, so that I built up a nice stock of sticks (maybe stored in a rack under cover) that I could then rely on for projects (handcrafts, garden stakes, utensils, etc etc)