Now I have just taken over a much neglected set of espelliers . 5 rows of pears and apples . So for the First pass through I am cutting out the dead branches, the weed
trees , in this place usually up to three inchwide walnut trees getting rid of ivy and generally giving them a good tidy . I know its going to take some time but hey they are about 50 of the little darlings so I am quite happy . However there is one tree that stands out . Its a Oak , as in common european its obviously been planted in a row , its about a foot across the trunk . I think its about the same age as the pear trees surrounding it .
I think there are two possibilities
1) it was planted deliberatly if so why ?
Should I leave it ? Pollard ? Chop it down ?
2) its a weed as the previous folks decided to keep it . ..... er but yet again why ?