I read a strange North American book by agricultural experts Manuel
de conservación de suelos manual of soil conservation from the USA for South America. It is because it is written for south America that it seems strange to me and the preface is by the famouse US advocate against erosion who spent his life fighting bad agricultuaral techniques in North America, Hugh Hammond Bennet. I was inspired by their way of bettering soils and copied them and they did not include earth works and it worked for me but i hve quiet a lot of rainfall in my garden though i have a long dry season.
This book said that soil betters in six years with grass and in more than a hundred with trees. However a moe precise recipe of r bettering soils thay gave included the use of clover with the grass and of currant bushes too, so a variety of plants as you say ardilla.
If you think of trees power to better soils you have to remember we clean out the undergrowth in woods, taking away vegetable matter and ditto the trees when we harvest the
wood we don't leave much to replenish soils with.
For me the main thing is to get people understanding about overgrazing and how much food people could have if they did not do it. That way millions of kilometres of land would be saved millions of kilometres are overgrazed in the whole world. Here fear of fires drives overgrazing and all the undergrowth dries from July to Octobre, sometimes more sometimes less, so the danger of fires would be big if they were left with a lot of grass and clover and such around in summer,
Proper grazing techniques mean you have eaten down one feild and another is half way back to being overgrown again and another has totally recovered from the grazing, it was exposed to two mounths ago, i don't know how long it takes for grass to recover from from being cut for
hay. mounth ofr two ago . Good grazing techniques woudl mean a lot of dry grass great tinder in summer.
In one bit of my garden the grass has stopped drying up compleltely in summer so maybe a bit of faith in the power of good soils and
deep roots and we would not have the expected dry undergrowth an summer.
Fear of fires leads the shepherds to overgraze, pride of work and responsabliity to the village to keep fires away comes before their purse strings and stomachs they do for the vegetation here in Spain. It is their job to do for it and South America even the Southern States of North America have been heavlily influenced by spain so were have they maybe taken this
laying barren for fear of fires .
You would have to think fire breaks in the undergrowth in the natural pastures, like quarter of a kilometre overgrazed every so often maybe, as a fire break. Optimum vegetation elsewhereto deal with the world ecology and food needs and a reduction in the danger of fires altogether. Maybe flooding areas in fires could be a possiblility.
The experts in the book, "manual de conservation de suelos manual of soil conservation that inspired me said
that grass renovates soils better than trees, in six years, rather than in centuries but he used a variety of plants on the peice of his land that had been a road whose soil he wanted to better, grass, clover and currant bushes, so he did use plants, to renovate soils, clover to produce nitrogen, his use of currants bushes was in consideration of the fauna rather than to get variouse depths of roots, maybe i remember wrong and he was multi purposing and his currants had a double function.
He did not use earth works though they are mentioned in the chapter on terraces which is in fact three chapters if i remember right. He used a bit of chemical fertilizer at first to start things off.
He said you could do a bit of very light grazing but not a lot, so as not to spoil the plants and reduce the organic material meant to better lands. The neighborinhg gardener uses
lawn mower to such effect as to greatly reduce the grass on his land that would better his soil, the desire to reducd fire risk is all pervasive here.
THe truth is if i reflect on it that the bit of my land the former owner prepared with ray grass i have just read about htat it only last four years that means pplouhged and planted with just ray grass has remained sticky clay for longer than other bits of garden so maybe clover or some other nitrogen fixing legume is tremendoulsly important.
The passing shadow of a tree is good in hot climates for pastures. Shade in hot countries is another reason for some bushes and trees. Heidi Guildemaeister,
I read this the manuel of conservation of soil and was inspierd by the idea grass was so good for recuperating soils so i just left the wild plants grow in my garden to cure the ground. That would be wild oats, oats have long roots, clovers, blakberries and regrowing dead elms and i now have good soils the clay has turned to loam at a considerable depth in most places. Not where someone put a herbicide that seems to be used a lot there but in nearly all other places.
I had not heard of earth works till last year. I have plenty of rain compared to the rain fall of some places like where Geof Lawsons successful efforts to better things in the dead sea took place so maybe i did not need to use all the weapons in the armory but in other places you do have to include water harvesting earthworks.
The expert that inspired me in the book on conservation of soils was both interested in recovering land and in the fauna,.He said you should leave a bit of land for them in every feild rather than a bit of your whole farm for them. He reckoned that they need places at regular intervals rather than one big peice of the farm in one spot for them. agri rose macaskie.