Welcomem, Rohan! I'm a new infectee myself, but as an old fart, a lot of this has been jumping around in my brain for a long time. Now I'm excited again. Having
land to work with is a big bonus.
Snow slows everything down, nature of the beast when the ground freezes pretty solid down to 50 or 70 cm and is covered under and alternatively building and melting layer of snow. Right now, out my office window we have some mild blizzarding going on - snow and high wind event. Mild because we are only having gusts up to 35MPH (56KPH), but it is expected to kick up a bit over the next 24 hours. This sort of thing is normal, and you learn the tempo of your seasons, and work with them, while expanding what you can do.
I'm really looking forward to experimenting with HugelBeds,
Rocket Mass Heaters and possibly a wofati this year. We will see what time and a bad back have for me.