You can also use annual Crimson clover as a mulch for annuals . Richo Cech of Horizon Herbs in his book "The
Medicinal Herb Grower" writes :
"Crimson clover is famous for producing a dense , monotypic stand that discourages growth of weedy species . A solid cover crop of crimson clover will fix 150 lbs of pure nitrogen per acre by way of nitrogen nodules on the
roots , and the aerial parts of the plant are rich in
carbon and help build soil . Inoculate and sow 1 lb per 1000 square feet or 20 lbs per acre ."
To grow sweet corn Richo suggest allowing the corn to become knee high . Then sow the clover between the plants . The clover will force out the weeds and nourish the corn . After the ears are harvested cut the stalks . The clover will flower and you can mow that down .