It's my first go at Forest Garden in Hampshire, southern England. When I started, the bed was bare soil (a failed annual vegetable patch).
Here is what I did ...
0. read Patrick Whitefield's book How to Make a Forest Garden, plus a bunch of stuff on the internet (incl. stuff on
1. measured the soil pH - it's neutral. It is neither sandy nor heavy clay but a mix of those. So I think it's an OK soil. But it has a lot of flint stones mixed through it. We live near a river - maybe it's the old river bed? Anyway - lots of stones in the soil.
2. dug out the soil from the bed to a depth of about 40cm below ground level and piled the soil on a tarp next to the bed.
3. lined the bottom of the hole with fresh-cut oak and hawthorn (up to 15cm diameter) for bulk. Basically I swapped
wood below for soil above in this step.
4. added another layer of wood - this time rotten
ash and rotten hazel
[photo taken at this point]
5. put the soil back on top, giving me a slightly
raised bed
6. lightly dug some well-rotted horse manure onto the top of the soil, mixing it as best I could without disturbing the wood
7. put some
cardboard on the new raised bed to stop unwanted weeds growing on it
8. I am now waiting for my crop plants to be ready to plant out (Fat Hen, Good King Henry, Lamb's Lettuce, Winter Purslane, Salad Burnet, etc. for eating; Comfrey and Red Clover for soil care. There will also be a jostaberry and a blackcurrant shrub. I will be inoculating the shrub
roots with a mycorrhizal fungi product called
Root Grow.)
I'd be interested in any comments or feedback ...