I'm looking at an issue of BackHome and in it they make some interesting points about roosters.
Two roosters are noisier than one rooster or three or more roosters. Apparenty, two roosters will compete. But with three, they seem to arrange something a bit more cooperative.
First I've heard of anything like that so I thought I'd share.
I wish that were true around here. Last time we had 5 roosters that all could "Cock-the doodle" it was every 5 minutes one would bellow out, it got so bad it was going on in intervals of about 1 per minute at times. I just had to get rid of 4 of them. Last time we had 2 roosters it wasn't too bad, but one of the roosters would stay in the coop and wait for hens to come in to lay their eggs and jump on them. He was a maniac. He would try to insimenate little battams and would jump on them for 10 minutes at a time, and never get the job done. The hens quite going in the coop to lay their eggs so there is piece in the chickenyard again.
Heard of one guy in an urban set-up who just carried his 2 roosters in each night and they slept in a box in the laundry. Did it with them from young and so it didn't bother them. No noise problem. Couldn't afford it with neighbours so close by.
Have read that if a bar is placed above their heads they cannot stretch up enough to crow and so don't. Been wondering how to get them to sit under the bar!!
I cull roosters now, after an extremely vocal one woke me up at 2 am one two many times. You can imagine a crazed bearded guy in nothing but running shorts chasing a wary rooster in the moonlight. I think I could hear my distant neighbors cheering me on as the rooster ran from bush to bush laughing at me. My wife stiffled her giggles as I stepped on and stubbed bare feet on sharp things during the chase. The dogs going crazy as they watched the race. I could hear rooster singing "you can't touch this" just before I got my hands on him. If only he could have told time he'd still be with us.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.