The carp served in China is very, very bony - would not be acceptable to most western
pallets. I have not designed a pond but I have done some research into the same idea with aquariums - what does it take to set up a 200 gallon aquarium so that it requires no/minimal intervention.
The answer is the same as mentioned - balance with nature. The depth of your pond, the surface area, the average temperature of the water, the type of soil/rocks on the bottom all determine what the bioload of your pond is. You
should first answer the two questions: 1. Am I willing to be satisfied with whatever amount of fish I can get from the pond 2. Do I want to be able to harvest x00 pounds of fish each year? If you answer "yes" to #1, then your task will be relatively easy. If you answer "yes" to #2, then your task will take longer, or will take more work. Ponds have many functions, such as aesthetic, storing water, raising fish/food, providing water for animals - whether you are raising or wildlife. Have you consider raising some kinds of shellfish in the pond as well or crabs? They occupy a different niche in the pond so you may be able to get more food from the pond without more work and yet have it be more balanced with the addition of other kinds of creatures. I have never read any info on this, but I am wondering if there are fresh water plants that are edible - and tasty (to the human palate)? Yet another way to make your pond a food source, and probably a very nutritious one at that. Turtles are tasty as well, if the mean is roasted.
If your pond is not very deep - I am guessing less than 3-4 feet deep - you will find it more difficult to keep the environment stable for the fish because the water temperature will change dramatically from day to night
One advantage of feeding your fish - or water animals you put in the pond - is that if there is a designated feeding spot it makes harvesting them easier. After a very short while the fish know that if they go to the southwest corner of the pond at 7 a.m. they can get a free breakfast. And you know that if you take your net down to the southwest corner of the pond at 7 a.m. you can easily have fresh fish for breakfast
If you want the pond to be more productive than the system will naturally handle, you may want to look into setting up the kind of ponds found in fish farms. There are machines that will feed them automatically - all you have to do is top off the hopper. I have seen recipes online for fish food that were not very complicated to make at all. You can also raise duckweed and other plants in these ponds - they literally grow like weeds - and the fish enjoy the veggies....composting? You can start worm composting and raise nice tasty worms for your fish at the same time.
Either way, you are going to have a learning curve. The difference is, with a more natural pond, you are going to have to master more variables. With a fish farm pond, the variables are more limited, but will require a certain amount of ongoing intervention. How much intervention will depend on how mechanized you can make the pond and how much nature you can infuse into it.
Note: I recently read of a family - I think it was in Washington State - that has been asked to remove the pond that they built because of some kind of water rights or code issues. Whatever you do, make sure you are going by the