Here's some advice from
UGA that I posted on another
thread. May is prime peanut planting season in Georgia, and October into November is harvest season -- which makes for a long season. I have heavy clay soil, but the peanuts seem to do well in the 8-12" of decent soil that I have on top of solid clay. I tried peanuts on a
hugelkultur bed last year, but they didn't do too well. Between the squirrels grazing on the plants and the excessive rains in July and August, they were under a lot of pressure. I didn't get near the yield I got the previous year when they were planted on garden soil that just had some
compost and
wood chips tilled in.
Peanuts are pretty drought tolerant compared to other plants. If they are suffering from a dry spell, the plants look alright, but they won't be filling the pods and you will see that at harvest time in a reduced yield. Normal rainfall in Georgia is about an inch of rain a week, so if they get that, they
should do well.
If you are thinking about companion planting with them, they make a good ground cover, so you can pair them with tall, spindly plants -- something like okra.