Oh how I hope an experienced goat keeper is on the forums this fine spring morning.
I've goat a Nubian who kidded on 3 days ago. She is 5 years old. I just got her last February, and think the seller may have known a lot about the goat that ethically ought to have been shared with me. We are beyond that now, and I will just tell what I need help with this morning.
I have been milking the goat because the babies are not able to nurse. The teats hang down 4 inches from the udder, and are very leathery and large (diameter an inch and maybe a bit more!). The orifice does not easily let
milk pass. I've helped the babies latch on, but between the anatomy of the teat and their mouths, and the amount of force it takes to get the milk through the orifice, they do not seem to get much milk. I've been milking and bottle feeding, and hoping they'll get their mother's supply figured out. The doe is responsive to them, nuzzles and encourages them... but their sides show the hungry hollow when it's been awhile since I fed them, and though they want their mother's company, they run right to me when I show up.
So, this morning after I fed them and milked her, and was cleaning up the pen I noticed blood, thought it was mine, but I was not wounded. I went to look at Victoria, and the skin had split open the length of her teat. Just the skin involved and it does not go all the way to the orifice.
I feel horrible, thinking it was the force of my squeezing to get the milk out that caused the skin tear, even though I do not let the teat balloon out as I squeeze. (I keep my hand wrapped around the whole thing, and down to the orifice, essentially milking the bottom of the teat). Wondering if that is how she got such strange teats, I make sure to have my hand supporting the outside of these teats as I squeeze...
I was told the doe had been hand milked, so I don't know why this would happen but just the same there it is.
I need to know how to care for this wound. I've read of super glue, but my fear is that each milking will split it open again, and unless something else caused it, it will always be a risk to milk her.
Any ideas what caused this, how to prevent it recurring, and how to get it healed up?
For now, I'm headed out to super glue it, then apply tape, then put comfrey on it....
Thanks very much!