Jay C. White Cloud wrote:Hi Nate, et al,
I must say, when I think of young facilitators that are coming to the "natural build" and permaculture venue the more thorough and balanced way, you are one of the folks I think of. You are really internalizing the approach needed to become a great lead facilitator yourself, by listening and exposing yourself to as many different instructors as you can...while you read and study from other sources...planned excellence IMHO. Charlie is a perfect role model of a great facilitator. You and he are the complete opposite of so many I have of late been experiencing that just have such a narrow perspective and skill sets, further exacerbated by the belief..."we know enough..." That "attitude" tells me they know what they think they know and only use the metrics they themselves create to evaluate themselves...Not a good standard. Mentorship and feedback from peers is how we grown as humans and as facilitators.
Thanks again for taking the time to post.
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