I have a fair number of fruit
trees I planted last spring in the area I intended to make my
permaculture forest. We live in Louisiana where the
water is relatively plentiful and the sun is all the time. Our grass is near impossible to defeat. I keep making mulch collars but the grass happily moves into over and over again. Later in the past year, Augustish, I had a baby and delegated all forest care to my husband for that time until Winter. During my Spring pruning I recollared the trees to find that my husband hat hit some of them with the weed eater
And apparently sometimes would bump all the way up to them with mower, rather than weed at the bases. In his defense, it is hot as something here in August and September, and I am sure he wanted to spend as little time out there as possible. But now I am worried about my trees. I figured they survived until pruning, which I did in Feb, so they might not be in immediate danger of just dying. But none of the plum trees which were most afflicted bloomed. They are dwarves and the dwarf apples and cherries did bloom.
Should I be worried about that? Now, my superior plum tree has put on leaves but has not put on growth since the spring started, unlike all the other trees even those others wacked have put on at least a foot of new growth on all branches. Any advice for someone to make it up to her trees so they aren't stunted after the fact of injury? I can only seem to find how to's on not wacking them and then wound treatment. I think I have passed those concerns at this point.